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Chilly Weather Reports

  1. It was so cold...
    we didn't need ice for the party drinks... we just held the glasses outside, and then shook or stirred.

  2. It was so cold...
    my cat sat across the room to look out the window.

  3. It was so cold...
    we replaced the windshield wipers on the car with shovels.

  4. It was so cold...
    the windshield washer fluid came spitting out as hailstones. Instead of a wash - I got a ding!

  5. It was so cold...
    certain celebrities made SURE they had underwear on before they went out.

  6. It was so cold...
    steam from your coffee freeze dried. You could scoop it up, add hot water, and get a second cup.

  7. It was so cold...
    I left Starbucks with a mocha latte and got into my car with a fudgesicle.

  8. It was so cold...
    my heating bill came with the warning "Sit down before opening!"

  9. It was so cold...
    the gas company sent me a letter of condolence along with the bill.

    Play the Game!
    Play the Game!
    Play the Game!

  10. It was so cold...
    Jack Frost changed his name to Jack Froze!

  11. It was so cold...
    my porch thermometer read "Ouch"!

  12. It was so cold...
    I saw an Amish man buying an electric blanket.

  13. It was so cold...
    Peecicles. Need I say more?

  14. It was so cold...
    our defroster became a re-froster.

  15. It was so cold...
    that even on the milder days, cups of coffee turned into slushies.

  16. It was so cold...
    people with plenty of hair were getting hair weaves - just for the extra warmth.

  17. It was so cold...
    it became stylish to wear two (and sometimes three) wigs or toupees at once.

  18. It was so cold...
    the cemetary had to put out heaters for the ghosts.

  19. It was so cold...
    my one-coat paint required a THIRD COAT!

  20. It was so cold...
    I wasn't sure whether I was wearing clothes - or freezer bags.

  21. It was so cold...
    it made my mother-in-law seem warm.

  22. It was so cold...
    if you sucked on an ice-cube - it just got bigger!

  23. It was so cold...
    the weather report included a "dangerous fog" advisory for frozen breath exhalations.

  24. It was so cold...
    the cash-strapped government introducing an 8 percent Shivering Tax.

  25. It was so cold...
    we had a new event category for the winter festival - frozen snot sculptures.

It Was So Cold...
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