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From our library of things you should know about the Arctic

TOP (Left to Right): 1. Russia, 2. United Kingdon, 3. Norway
BOTTOM: 4. Denmark, 5. Sweden, 6. United States of America

Who's Been Exploring the Arctic?

Which countries were the most active in Arctic exploration?

1. RUSSIA: In addition to having the largest Arctic area of any country, Russia also claimed what is now Alaska - and sold it to the USA in 1867.

2. GREAT BRITAIN: The highest level of North American Arctic exploration of any country, claiming vast portions of what is now Nunavut. These territories were given to Canada in the 19th century.

3. NORWAY: One of the most active, today Norway holds the Svalbard Islands. Roald Amundsen navigated the Northwest Passage, Fridtjof Nansen explored Greenland, and Otto Sverdrup discovered islands in the Canadian Arctic - which he claimed for Norway and then sold back to Canada.

4. DENMARK: Claimed both Greenland (still a Danish territory) and Iceland (independent since 1944). Denmark is now claiming that a ridge attached to Greenland should give it sovereignty over the North Pole.

5. SWEDEN: Swedish explorer Nils Nordenskjold was the first to complete a voyage through the Northeast Passage.

6. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Americans Robert Peary and Matthew Henson (aided by four Inuit) planted the American flag on the North Pole, and Richard E. Byrd was the first to fly over the Pole.

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Library: Exploration, Franklin Expedition
People / Explorers, Countries / Places, Arctic
Links: Franklin Expedition
Northwest Passage, Arctic
Arctic Maps & Weather Reports

Double-click any unlinked word DICTIONARY: Just "double-click" any unlinked word on this page for the definition from Merriam-Webster's Student Electronic Dictionary at Word Central.
Arctic Library ARCTIC LIBRARY & GLOSSARY: Check this section for an index of the rest of the things you really need to know about the Arctic.
All sorts of Arctic Maps ARCTIC MAPS & WEATHER REPORTS: Maps of the Northwest Passage, explorers' routes, iceberg sources, Nunavut, the Arctic by treeline, temperature...
Links to related sites. ARCTIC LINKS: Even more information! Links to sites related to the Arctic and "Iceberg: the Story of the Throps and the Squallhoots".
A Guide to Arctic Sunrise and Sunset GUIDE TO ARCTIC SUNRISE & SUNSET: How much sunlight or darkness is there in the Arctic on each day of the year?

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