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Ice Blink "Ice blink" refers to a white glare seen on the underside of low clouds indicating the presence of ice which may be beyond the range of vision or over the horizon. Similarly, "water sky" refers to dark streaks on the underside of low clouds, indicating the presence of open water in the vicinity of sea ice - a helpful indication when working in sea ice or near the polar ice cap as to which direction to take. Otherwise, your ship may get "nipped". Such techniques helped the Inuit to travel safely on the ice, and assisted explorers looking for the Northwest Passage.
Click pictures for more information and credits. Library: Arctic, Exploration Boats/Ships/Submarines Environment/Atmosphere, Inuit Links: Arctic, Northwest Passage Inuit, Boats & Ships Arctic Maps & Weather Reports |
DICTIONARY: Just "double-click" any unlinked word on this page for the definition from Merriam-Webster's Student Electronic Dictionary at Word Central. |
ARCTIC LIBRARY & GLOSSARY: Check this section for an index of the rest of the things you really need to know about the Arctic. |
ARCTIC MAPS & WEATHER REPORTS: Maps of the Northwest Passage, explorers' routes, iceberg sources, Nunavut, the Arctic by treeline, temperature... |
ARCTIC LINKS: Even more information! Links to sites related to the Arctic and "Iceberg: the Story of the Throps and the Squallhoots". |
GUIDE TO ARCTIC SUNRISE & SUNSET: How much sunlight or darkness is there in the Arctic on each day of the year? |