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Elisha Kent Kane: "Arctic Explorations"

Elisha Kent Kane (1820-1857) was the surgeon and official historian on an 1850 expedition to the Arctic to look for possible survivors of the Franklin Expedition.

Kane led a second expedition in 1853 with the same objectives, but when his ship became icebound, his objective changed to one of survival. With help from nearby Inuit, Kane managed to keep his men alive through more than two years of hardship. After a difficult journey over ice and open water to Greenland, they were finally rescued.

Upon his return to the U.S., Kane was hailed as a hero, and although he suffered from scurvy and a heart ailment, he undertook a program of writing and lectures. His book, "Arctic Explorations" was the first introduction that many had to the Arctic and the "Esquimeaux".

Dr. Kane did not live to enjoy his fame - he died in 1857.

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Arctic Library: Arctic, Exploration, Inuit
Explorers, Franklin Expedition
Arctic Maps & Weather Reports
Links: Arctic, Franklin Expedition, Inuit

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