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Light Show - No Plug-in Required

On a clear dark Arctic night, a faint glow of greenish light may appear low on the horizon. It might take the shape of an arch - and seem to drift across the night sky.

As time passes, more bands of light may form and drift overhead - slowly getting brighter and brighter until they form giant curtains of light that seem to be waving in a gentle breeze. The bottom of the curtains might brighten with a reddish tint and seem to ripple faster as more colors - blues and purples - also appear.

As you stand, staring as the curtains of light pass overhead, you might even see bright points of light that seem to swirl. The whole sky fills with color and motion... and then slowly fades into a warm green glow.

These mesmerizing, dynamic displays of light that appear in the nighttime Arctic skies are the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. This is nature's light show!

Northern Lights: Library and Links
Arctic: Library and Links
Northern Lights Slide Show

Double-click any unlinked word DICTIONARY: Just "double-click" any unlinked word on this page for the definition from Merriam-Webster's Student Electronic Dictionary at Word Central.
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