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A light rain had been falling all morning -
and Jason was nowhere to be seen.
Wind and Rain
Lyrics and Music by L.W.Collingwood. Copyright © 1995 Athropolis Productions Limited.

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Listen to the sound of the wind...
It whips the falling rain against my window.
How can the wind and the rain
Just keep us waiting?
The rain will pass...
It can't last forever.

I'm writing silly nothings on the windowpane...
Just names...and circles I can peek through
To see if the drain can swallow up
The raindrops.
The rain will pass...
It can't last a long long time.

Just wait...
The rain will pass...
It can't last forever.

The sounds and the rhythms of the falling rain...
Patters knocking on my roof and rafters.
The wind and the rain
Just keeps us waiting.
The rain will pass...
It can't last forever.
It can't last a long long time.

The End

Certain Friends - Chasing the Clouds Away - Council Day - If I Were a Throp - If We Try
I'm Not Immune to the Rays and Warmth of Sunlight - Jiggery-Pokery - Ka Me, Ka Thee
Sometimes - Squallhoot Song - That's What Squallhoots Do - Wind and Rain - Words
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