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Do you remember what it was like to be a child?
A world of adventure, mad schemes and sweet dreams!
Anything was possible -
if only for that wonderful imaginary moment.
S o m e t i m e s
Lyrics and Music by L.W.Collingwood. Copyright © 1995 Athropolis Productions Limited.

In the daytime...
With only the wind
And the colours that send my mind flying
To daydreams
Of mad schemes...
I only hear laughter
As children chase after intruders.
What happened to children and you?

And sometimes
In the nighttime...
I look at the stars
And wonder where Mars could be hiding.
The sweet dreams...I remember
That wonderful solitude...
Magical interludes and mad schemes.
What happened to children and you?


Take me back.
Take the trouble and worry away.
Let me run again.
Make me young and invincible.
We could hide
From the largest of eyes...
Me and you.
Nighttime...come hide me.
Winds...blow by me
And touch me the way
Like I felt on my face
When you blew me to the ground
Like a castaway.
I was not afraid.

So... (Repeat Chorus)

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The End

Certain Friends - Chasing the Clouds Away - Council Day - If I Were a Throp - If We Try
I'm Not Immune to the Rays and Warmth of Sunlight - Jiggery-Pokery - Ka Me, Ka Thee
Sometimes - Squallhoot Song - That's What Squallhoots Do - Wind and Rain - Words

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