Check out our section all about POLAR BEARS!
Great Woolly Mammoth Jokes Icy Knock Knock Jokes Throp Jokes | Squallhoot Jokes Sled Dog Jokes NEWS: It's Polar Bear Season!
Q: What did the polar bear cub say to its mother at mealtime?
Q: What's a balanced diet for a polar bear?
Q: What did the polar bear say when it saw the igloo?
Q: What did the polar bear eat after the dentist fixed its tooth?
Q: What did the polar bears say when they saw
tourists in sleeping bags?
Q: Why do polar bears have fur coats?
Q: What's another reason polar bears have fur coats?
Q: What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal?
Q: What did the polar bear say to the tourist who left the
tundra buggy?
Q: What are polar bears called when they get caught in the rain?
Q: What has four legs and a flipper?
Q: How does a polar bear stop a VCR?
Q: How do you keep a polar bear from charging?
Q: What did the polar bear put on the sign when seals were very scarce?
Q: What's white, furry, rides a
walrus, and knocks a ball around the ice?
Q: What's white, furry, smokes cigars, and stays up all night playing cards?
Q: What are white, furry, and have wheels on their paws?
Q: What do you call a dream in which polar bears are attacking you?
Q: What do polar bears like to eat in the cold?
Q: What did the polar bear say after a winter of
feeding on seals?
Q: What did the Polar Bear say when it saw a seal on a skateboard?
Q: What do polar bears have between their teeth?
Q: What do you call a big mean polar bear?
Q: What do you call a polar bear wearing earmuffs?
It was so cold...
It was so cold...
Q: Why do polar bears win so many races?
Q: When is a polar bear not a polar bear?
Q: Why would polar bears be cheap to keep as pets?
Q: What's the difference between a polar bear and a mailbox?
Q: Have you ever seen a man-eating polar bear?
Q: What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a rose?
Q: What's white, furry, and throws balls of ice at igloos?
Q: What's white, furry, wears sunglasses, and lazes in the sun all summer long?
Q: What is white and goes RRRRG! RRRRG!?
Q: Polar bear cubs are
born wet, naked, and in an icy cave. Then what happens?
Q: Where do you
find polar bears?
Q: Why do polar bears like bald men?
Q: What do you get if you cross a polar bear and a
harp seal?
Q: What did the polar bear say to itself when the hunter was shooting at it?
Amaruq (while looking at Irniq in the hospital bed): "So there it was... this HUGE polar bear... just laying there... and Irniq says, 'Do you think its dead - or just asleep?'"
Tourist at the hospital: "I heard that bear bells were good to have if you're hiking in polar bear country. The hard part was getting them on that bear!"
Q: How do you put a polar bear into a refrigerator?
Great Woolly Mammoth Jokes | It Was So Cold... Icy Knock-Knock Jokes | Sled Dog Jokes |